2020 SimpleChain Black Hole Developer Challenge — Awarded Products

5 min readNov 2, 2020


The 2020 SimpleChain Black Hole Developer Challenge has come to an end. Take a look at awarded products!

1st place: Decentralized Identity — DID

There are all kinds of products on the Internet. When we use these products, we need to sign up again and again, even register with real identity. Our information is stored in different companies and exploited by them. We can’t deny that data sharing has its value, but the fact that lots of personal data was sold without the owner’s knowledge is not fair. With the rise of the blockchain industry, a decentralized way of thinking has been brought about, and distributed digital identities (DID) have emerged.

With DID, users can apply for digital identity and issue digital identity certificates through the distributed identity system. Identity information will be permanently stored on the blockchain and can only be managed and authorized by the identity owner. There will be no unauthorized usage. Individuals, organizations, and even objects can use this system for real identity authentication, enterprise authentication, academic certificate authentication, enterprise data storage, etc.

2th Place: SIPC browser plug-in wallet — SimWallet

A web-3 standard browser plug-in wallet based on the SimpleChain network, which supports switching between multiple blockchain networks, transactions and calling Dapps.

3rd Place: Industrial Blockchain Platform

The industrial blockchain platform based on SimpleChain includes various modules such as data deposition, track and trace, digital points, and services for government and enterprise.

Two modules are now available on the frontend page: trusted data deposition and track and trace. To deposit data, users simply need to select data type and upload. After submission, the data will be uploaded to SimpleChain, generating a hash that can be verified in the explorer.

4th Place: SIPC Blessing Wall

This is a charity project based on the SimpleChain public chain. Enter a text that contains your wishes and send to the platform for permanent preservation. A fee in SIPC needs to be included and the fee will be sent to a smart contract, and nobody can withdraw the fees received. An exquisite UI display and complete documentation are provided, and developers can access the contract to customize UI display.

5th Place: Voting Dapp

Based on SimpleChain, this voting Dapp supports voting on texts/images, and election votes. Votes run on smart contracts and will be recorded on the blockchain.

6th Place: Blockchain Camera

Taking a picture with this blockchain camera can prove that the picture is taken at the time of block production. A non-tampering timestamp can significantly add to the authenticity of the photos.

7th Place: SimPre

Being the first product submitted by the SimpleChain tech community, SimPre is a voting/prediction platform deployed on the SimpleChain blockchain network.

How does it work: A user can initiate a vote about a future event. Voters who vote for the correct outcome will split the coins in the pool.

This product is completely decentralized, with all data and results stored on SimpleChain, and all logic is executed through smart contract, thus ensuring the transparency and fairness of the voting/prediction.

8th Place: SimpleFile

SimpleFile is a bidding platform developed based on SimpleChain, with a purpose to prevent fraud during bidding processes. The platform allows bidders to upload bidding documents to the blockchain with an open and transparent smart contract.

This application is easy to use and includes features such as uploading bidding documents, verifying bidding documents, retrieving the submission address of bidders, calculating the number of bids and managing contracts. Bidders need to upload the bidding documents before bidding, and the bidding documents cannot be modified during or after the bidding process. If the bidding documents have been changed, they would fail the verification process.

Above are the awarded products from Black Hole Developer Challenge. If you are a developer interested in the SimpleChain ecosystem, we would love to hear from you! Become a long-term technology partner to work and grow with SimpleChain!

About SimpleChain

Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network to promote a distributed digital economy. SimpleChain is a PoW main chain with flexible sub-chains. Different sub-chains can adopt different kinds of consensus mechanisms and block data structure as needed, to enable a variety of applications and use cases on blockchain. SimpleChain now has applications in digital evidence deposition, copyright protection, gaming, cryptoasset services, social e-commerce, and more.

Built on VeraxChain, SimpleChain’s first sub-chain, Baoquan.com provides record keeping services which serves to keep records of online data and authenticate electronic evidence. In June 2018, Hangzhou Internet Court of China judged a case of copyright dispute based on data stored on Baoquan.com. For the first time in China, the legal effect of the electronic data stored on blockchain is recognized in the judicial system. (News link: https://www.coindesk.com/blockchain-can-legally-authenticate-evidence-chinese-judge-rules)

Find SimpleChain at:

— -Overview — -

Website: www.simplechain.com
Whitepaper: www.simplechain.com/ims/chain/download?spm=1922.1381.010729.122&language=english
Github: www.github.com/simplechain-org
Blockchain Explorer: www.explorer.simplechain.com/

— Community — -
Twitter: www.twitter.com/SimpleChain
Telegram: www.t.me/SimpleChainEN
Medium: www.medium.com/SimpleChain
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/SimpleChain
Facebook: www.facebook.com/SimpleChainOfficial

— -SIPC Wallet, Mining & Trading — -
Mobile Wallet-SIPC.VIP: download available at https://www.sipc.vip/?lang=en

Mobile Wallet-Chainbox: download available at www.simplechain.com

Browser Plug-In Wallet-SimPlug: guide available at https://medium.com/simplechain/simplug-guide-sipc-wallet-in-your-browser-c2440843decb

Mining Client on PC-SimpleNode (can also act as a wallet): download available at www.simplechain.com

Mining Pools
1. SimPool (English & Chinese): www.simpool.vip
2. MATPool (Chinese only): www.matpool.io/
3. DXPool (English & Chinese): www.dxpool.com/
Mining Guide with SimPool: https://simpool.sipc.vip/help-miner

Mining Machine: SimpleNode X1 USB mining machine: 2M hashrate, 5W power use. Please contact @Laurenxy on Telegram if interested.


SIMPLE/USDT: www.coinex.com

SIPC/USDT: www.ztb.com

(Both SIMPLE and SIPC represent SimpleChain’s native digital asset.)




Written by SimpleChain

Launched on January 4, 2019, SimpleChain aims to simplify the blockchain for business, and build a simple, easy-to-use distributed blockchain network.

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